Render a Template

To render a template, you can use the render method of your app instance. Lets create a basic application and render a template.

from magicweb import Magicweb, run

app = Magicweb(__file__)

def index(request, response):
    app.render('index.html', name='MagicWeb', the_answer=42)
    # app.render('index.html', {'name': 'MagicWeb', the_answer: 42})
    # You can also use a dictionary to pass variables to the template.

Whats happening here?

  • The render method is called on the app instance with the arguments template_name and **kwargs.
  • The template_name argument is the name of the template to render.
  • The **kwargs argument is either:
  • Keyword arguments, which are passed to the template as variables.
  • A dictionary of values to be passed to the template.

Magicweb looks for templates in the default location: templates/ or the template location specified by you.